Gain credits for your reviews


In ReviewerCredits we want to provide a recognition to your peer reviewer activity with credits, useful for your daily practice as author and researcher.
It is a simple mechanism: the more you review, the more you earn credits.
Ask the Journal you are reviewing for to subscribe our plans to earn more credits!

Use your credits in the Reward Center

Once a review claim has been sent to a Journal, it will be visible in your personal area and it will be in the status Pending, Sent, Approved or Rejected.
Every time your claim is approved from a Journal, you earn credits automatically added to your profile. When you have earned sufficient credits, you can use them to obtain virtual coupons by our partners which will grant you discounts towards their services.

How are credits assigned

Once the review is confirmed, the number of credits added to your profile are as follows:

1 RC | confirmed reviews
We assign 1 RC (Reviewer credit) for each confirmed review performed for any Journal listed in our database, although not registered to our platform

5 RC |confirmed reviews, registered Journals PLUS
We assign 5 RC for each confirmed review performed for a registered Journal to our PLUS plan

10 RC | confirmed reviews, registered Journals PREMIUM
We assign 10 RC for each confirmed review performed for a registered Journal to our PREMIUM plan

5 RC | Inviting colleagues
We assign 5 RC for each colleague you invite to join and who actually joins

No RC for conference talks
No credit is assigned for conference talks you register through the site

Create your reviewer profile for free

Joining is free and easy. Register and
become a part of our community


Claim your reviews to monetise your efforts

Increase your Reviewer Index and redeem your earned credits


Redeem your credits in the Reward Center

On publishing discounts, editorial
and translation services, etc.


Gain credits inviting your colleagues


You can also gain additional credits by inviting your colleagues: as soon as your referral actually complete the sign-up process, 5 extra credits will be assigned to you. It is also a good way to share with your community an innovative service they might not be aware of.

Remind that your credits never expire. Just have a look to the different categories in the Reward Center and complete your order using your credits. Please check that you have sufficient amount of credit to redeem the preferred item or service, otherwise the order will fail.The amount of your credits is always visible by logging into your personal profile.

Gain rewards and credits from peer reviewsReviewerCredits mission is to fill the gap of peer review certification and rewarding. For this reason, we created web platform, fully dedicated to the certification, quantification and reward of the peer review process necessary to guarantee quality and authority in the peer review process. Besides peer review certificate, our platform offers to register reviewers a tangible recognition of their work in “virtual credits” that can be spent on our e-commerce store (Reward Center). Virtual monetisation of the peer review is a distinguish approach on the market and it has the goal to demonstrate that peer review counts. ReviewerCredits reward mechanism assigns credits to each peer review that has been certified and can be redeemed to purchase discounted subscriptions to scientific publications, to access the online training offer, to publish articles at favorable prices in Open Access, to get editing and translation services, to get gift cards and can also be converted into green credits to be donated to sustainability initiatives related to the concept of Sustainable Reviews.

It is a simple mechanism: more you review, more credits you earn to be redeemed in our Reward Center. If fact, ReviewerCredits assigns credits for each completed and certified review that you or the Journal are claiming for. Therefore, it is crucial to involve the Journal you are reviewing for in this virtuous cycle, inviting them to join us with a Free, Plus or Premium profile. You can get more credits if the Journal you are reviewing for is part of our Plus and Premium Plan: instead of 1 credit that is normally assigned, you get 5 credits for Plus Journals and 10 credits for Premium Journals.