Know your peer reviewers and track their performance

Secure your publication’s integrity with peer reviewer multi-factor verification. Protect the integrity of your publications with seamless ID, personal and academic email, and biometric verification of your peer reviewers. Keep track of your peer reviewers’ performance and progress with our suite of clear metrics available on one dashboard to control the quality of your peer review process and publications.

Secure your publication’s integrity with peer reviewer verification

Protect the integrity of your publications with seamless ID, personal and academic email, and biometric verification of your peer reviewers. Safeguard the credibility of your publications with our robust verification system for peer reviewers. We offer seamless ID checks along with biometric authentication, ensuring that each reviewer’s identity and credentials are thoroughly validated.

Monitor reviewer performance with our Analytics Dashboard

Harness the power of our Reviewer Graph and Reviewer Contribution Index to effectively track and assess peer reviewer performance. This comprehensive dashboard provides measurable metrics and progress reports, enabling you to evaluate peer review quality objectively and reward top-performing reviewers with ease, enhancing your journal’s credibility and the quality of your publications.

Automatically transfer peer review data with seamless integration

Effortlessly transfer both historical and new peer review data from your submission management system. Our API integrations are compatible with platforms like Editorial Manager, OJS, Arpha, Crossref, and more. For added convenience, we also support manual CSV uploads, ensuring a smooth and efficient data management experience. Read more

Recognise and reward your peer reviewers

Track peer reviewer performance using advanced metrics

Reviewer Contribution Index is the metric based on the F3-index and developed by Reviewer Credits in collaboration with the University of Valencia. It considers three objective parameters to measure the contribution of peer reviewers, namely: review report length, report delivery time, and alignment of reviewer recommendation to an editorial decision. Reviewer Contribution Index goes from 0 to 100, where 100 corresponds to the maximum contribution and is calculated automatically upon a registered peer review.

Reviewer Graph

Our comprehensive Reviewer Graph offers a detailed visualization of each reviewer’s performance. Besides the Reviewer Contribution Index, it tracks the number and types of peer reviews completed across articles, monographs, book chapters, and conference proceedings. The graph also highlights review frequency, the prestige of journals reviewed for, and the reviewer’s responsiveness and timeliness.

Research Graph

It offers an intricate portrayal of an academic’s scholarly footprint and tracks the number of academic works, including articles, monographs, book chapters, and conference proceedings, as well as other scientific outputs. The graph integrates scientific impact metrics and encompasses citations, H-Index, i10-Index, and more, providing a holistic view of the academic’s influence and reach in their field.

Social Index

The robust peer review verification tool that encompasses reviewer identity and credibility checks. It includes ID and biometric verification, along with validation of both personal and academic email addresses. The index further considers academic seniority and endorsements through referrals from colleagues and publishers. Additionally, it encapsulates cross-publisher, journal, and book activities, as well as memberships on editorial boards.

Engagement Index

It is designed to quantify the depth of a researcher’s involvement and interaction within our Reviewer Credits network and captures their engagement and performance in training courses, along with Reviewer Credits content and events. The index also considers the completeness and regularity of profile updates, reflecting the commitment to maintaining a current and comprehensive professional presence.