Train your peer reviewers

Elevate the proficiency of your reviewers with our exclusive Peer Review Power-Up Course. This peer review training course, coupled with our trusted certification, is designed to refine their reviewing skills. The course features five in-depth online lessons tailored for peer review enhancement, interactive quizzes, engaging content focused on developing early-career researchers into proficient peer reviewers, and certification upon completion.

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Gareth J. Dyke, PhD

Gareth J. Dyke, PhD

  • Editor-in-Chief, Historical Biology
  • Academic Director, ReviewerCredits

Enhance your editorial team’s expertise with our specialized ‘Power-Up Your Peer Reviewers’ Skills’ course. Exclusively for editors, this comprehensive training is now available at special discounts of up to 50% off its regular cost. Elevate your team’s proficiency and ensure top-quality peer reviewing with this valuable learning opportunity.