Make a Fullwidth slider Fullscreen (height) (function($) { $(window).on('load resize', function() { $('.rc-fullscreen-slider').each(function() { et_fullscreen_slider($(this)); }); }); function et_fullscreen_slider(et_slider) { // Remove height adjustment logic as height is set in Divi var $admin_bar = $('#wpadminbar'), $main_header = $('#main-header'), $top_header = $('#top-header'), $top_banner = $('#top-banner-bookmark'); // If you need any logic specific to other elements, you can keep it. // This example just ensures no height is being set for the slider. } })(jQuery); --> Make layouts parts sticky function getTopSpacing(){ if(jQuery(window).width() <= 980){ return 0; }else{ return 80; } } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var bottomSpacing = 500; var topSpacing = 150; jQuery("#horizontal-sticker-desktop").sticky({ 'topSpacing': 80, 'bottomSpacing': bottomSpacing, 'zIndex': 1}); jQuery("#horizontal-sticker-mobile").sticky({ 'topSpacing': 0, 'bottomSpacing': bottomSpacing, 'zIndex': 20}); jQuery("#vertical-column-sticker").sticky({ 'topSpacing': topSpacing, 'bottomSpacing': bottomSpacing, 'zIndex': 1}); //##--> Make another rule to create another sticker //jQuery("#sticker2").sticky({topSpacing:150}); }); --> Tab selected by URL fragment (the tab DIVI element must have an HTML ID) (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ var et_hash = window.location.hash; if(window.location.hash) { et_hash = et_hash.replace('%7C', '|'); // Some browser does not reencode hash var hashElements = et_hash.split('|'); var element = $( hashElements[0] + ' .et_pb_tab_' + hashElements[1] ); if(element.length){; if(hashElements[0].indexOf('scr') !== -1) { $(document).ready(function(){ $('html, body').animate({ 'scrollTop': parseInt(element.offset().top) }, 300); }); } } } }); })(jQuery) -->

Published by: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

2022 article number: 200

Print ISSN: 1091-9856

Online ISSN: 1526-5528

Journal number of registered peer reviews: 2

Journal number of reviewers: 1

INFORMS Journal on Computing Journal Editors

Editor Affiliation
Prof. Alice E. Smith Joe W. Forehand/Accenture Distinguished Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849, USA


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