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CROMOHS is a peer reviewed, open-access electronic history journal published in English, and over the last two decades has established a solid reputation for scholarly rigour. With a marked international outlook, it aims to encourage methodological debate arising from original and creative dialogue between scholarly traditions, and to promote innovative approaches to archival research. CROMOHS acts as a focal point and forum for challenging and fresh scholarship on fourteenth- to nineteenth-century intellectual, social and cultural history in a global perspective. It seeks to move beyond a strictly regional and Eurocentric approach, with a preferential view towards histories of transcultural contacts and connections. Articles relating to Muslim societies (fourteenth-nineteenth centuries) are most welcome. More generally, CROMOHS strongly encourages contributions engaging with extra-European cultures and societies. CROMOHS invites theoretically informed work from a range of historical, cultural and social domains that interrogate cross-cultural and connected histories, intersecting the history of knowledge, emotions, religious beliefs, ethnography, cartography, the environment, material culture and the arts.
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Published by Firenze University Press.


Joined December 5, 2018
Cromohs - Cyber Review of Modern Historiography
Firenze University Press
History, History and Philosophy of Science
English, French, Italian